Develop a Healthy Mind: How Focus Impacts Brain Function


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Develop a Healthy Mind: How Focus Impacts Brain Function is an audio download consisting of guided exercises and a conversation with Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson.

In Develop a Healthy Mind, Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson, neuroscientist and founder of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds highlight what the latest scientific research tells us about our brain functions and common psychological conditions, habits, and what it means to have a healthy mind. They also answer the following questions:

  • How can attention training enhance emotional intelligence abilities?
  • What are the different types of attention - and how can we recognize them?
  • Why is it crucial to teach our children how to focus?
  • How can we develop an attention training practice that suits our needs and style?

Included are guided exercises to help you practice attention-training skills at work, at home, and in the classroom.

Sensory Focus - guided exercise by Daniel Goleman (for adults at home or work)
Body Scan - guided exercise by Daniel Goleman (for teens at home or school)
Breath Exercise - guided exercise by Daniel Goleman (for kids at home or school)
Listening Exercise - guided exercise by Daniel Goleman (for teens at home or school)
Breath Count - guided exercise by Daniel Goleman (for adults at home or work)
Enhancing Listening and Communication - guided exercise by Mirabai Bush (for adults at work)
Managing Negative Emotions - guided exercise by Mirabai Bush (for adults at work)

“Attention works much like a muscle: use it poorly and it can wither; work it well and it grows,” said Daniel Goleman. “In an era of unstoppable distractions, we must learn to sharpen focus if we are to contend with, let alone thrive in, a complex world.”

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Format: Audio Download
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